Friday, August 20, 2010

Moving forward

Today is Friday, August 20, 2009. Time is moving faster than I thought. We are only 2 days away until the girls will be 33 weeks old. Even though they are actually going to be 2 weeks old the NICU's refer to them in their gestational age. My friend was here yesterday and she mentioned how strange it is to see them in person when normally you wouldn't be able too. I never thought about that, but yes, it is strange.

I haven't updated in a day or so, maybe longer, because there is not really any change, which is actually a good thing. From where we are now, no change is good change for a while. When I went into see Blake this morning she was much more alert but still sleeping. Because they have now completely stopped her pain medicine drip she is more aware of her surroundings. Sometimes she likes this and sometimes she doesn't like this. The doctors still have her CPAP machine on but they talked about in rounds this morning that over the weekend and next week they are going to work to slowly remove it. No rush they said. If she remains unchanged over the weekend they are going to once again attempt to try and get the MRI. Lets cross our fingers she cooperates because I as well as the surgeons are anxious to get that test. Her pathology report is not back yet and I was told this morning it takes a while because of the makeup of a teratoma. A teratoma is a germ cell which is just a cell literally made up of a bunch of stuff and so they have to disect it layer by layer to literally examine every portion. Which sounds like it would take forever. She also had a echo on her heart today and we should have the results by morning. Her first echo shortly after she was born looked good, so lets cross our fingers this was does too.

I am feeling more comfortable holding her now. So I held her for about 45 minutes today. She seemed to really like it, better than before. She had occupational therapy today, but I will have to wait until tomorrow to see how that went. I'm sure great. They also are increasing her feed volume. She is now taking 16 mL every 3 hours and loves it. Girl likes to eat.

Palmer likes to eat as well. She is taking 33 mL every 3 hours. They are not going to change her feeds for a couple of days. Next week they are going to attempt to bottle feed her which is about a week early, but she is showing signs she is ready. Hooray! That means she is closer to coming home. They also moved her out of the warmer and into a small cart type bed and are waiting on a crib to come available for her. Now that she is bigger and they will start bottle feeding, we will be spending most of our days between both NICU's just holding the girls and chatting with the nursing staff.

Ashlyn Kay is being a mess at home with her Meme. She was mopping with Papa this morning and was admiring her baby sisters pictures in her new picture book this afternoon. I miss her smile tons and can't wait until she is back on Ohio with Jeff & I.

I am feeling better today and moving around better. Still only about 60% back to normal. I will get there though.

Thank you all for being so devoted to keeping up with our family and praying for us. Again, your prayers are working. Both girls seem to be improving and moving in the right direction. We have still a long way to go but everyday is one less day we have to fight.

Also, several people and church organizations wanted to know if we had a charitable organization for the girls. We now have a account set up at Regions Bank.

For anyone who wants it:

Bank: Regions Bank

Account Name: Blake & Palmer Moran's charity account or Kristen Moran's charity account

If you need the account number or routing number you can contact my sister via email @

I love each and everyone one of you! We are making progress...God obviously has a great plan in store!

1 comment:

  1. that was some good news to start a Saturday with...i am so glad that things seem to be moving in the right direction. will continue to pray for your sweet baby girls and your whole family as you will need a lot of patience and endurance to run this race sister! love you and can't wait to see you! Jen
