Our update for the week: Palmer is a much happier baby now that we switched her formula. She is eating better and sleeping better. Thankfully. Blake on the other hand, we are still working on her. After adding the rice cereal she is keeping it down thankfully but now isn't eating as much because she gets full quicker. She seems happier. We are still testing out which formula is best for her. I am pretty convinced that she has a slight allergy to milk protein, so we will see.
Early Intervention came on Friday to do their intial evaluation of the twins. The PT's said they looked great for being 5 days old-ha! Yes, my due date was Monday so "technically" by the State's standards they were only 5 days old on Friday. Insane, right, seeing as they have been in this world for 9 weeks on Monday. They are actually the size of a typical full term baby which is great. The PT's said they have appropriate reflexes. They are going to work with Blake more since she is a SCT baby and needs special attention. Their first goal is to get her to straighten those legs out. So we will see them again in a couple of weeks to work on that. They are also sending out a OT to work with the girls on their eating, especially Palmer. She is so messy.
The physicial therapist put the girls together to see how they react to each other. Blake who absolutely LOVES her sis wiggled her way closer and closer to Palmer. P on the other hand wiggled herself away from Blake. Blake seems to be very co-dependent and likes being close to Palmer. Palmer on the other hand wants to have her own space and doesn't care for Blake getting "all up in it". It is very interesting to see a twin dynamic. I am excited to watch them grow.
Also, Blakes bottom is starting to improve. Her broken down areas are looking much better and we are actually getting to use baby wipes every now and then. Hooray! She doesn't seem to fuss as much either. This is a big step and something I am very greatful for. So thank you for all keeping us in her prayers.
Ashlyn Kay was of course very helpful while early intervention was here. Making sure that they were aware that these were her "qu baby sistas"! So cute!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and War Eagle.
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